How true is your Second Life to you?

My Real Life has been quite busy. Lots of things I am doing right now so really not on Second Life to much. Isn’t that the truest sense of Second Life? To keep it as a Second Choice of your life? I would never get rid of my avatar but I really enjoy coming on when I can to bring the truest sense of who I am.

When I go online now I am not in very many groups to pop in and out. Heck I am not really doing the family thing that I use to do. I use to have two sets of parents and so many siblings and cousins and such that I couldn’t pop online without an IM hitting me. I have either changed or my thoughts of my Second Life has changed. I guess we become a bit on the selfish side when we have been in the virtual world a long time. I no longer look to make everyone else happy but more make myself happy. I guess we should do that all along find the true meaning of our Second Lives. If your not happy inside that world being who you are and doing what you want to do but trying to find someone to do it with or just sit around doing nothing then why bother going online?

In the last months I have joined a couple of new groups. They are not ones that most of the friends I have in the virtual world are interested in but they sure do interest me. I am working on learning a bit more about myself but also learning how others see the types of BDSM sides there are. My favorite part is going to Munches. These are discussions and even question and answers about the society I am a part of. Many answers are very similar to what I would answer but many of them I don’t agree with at all. About babygirl/submissives I have found many don’t have a clue about them. Some even proceed them to be a brat always getting into trouble or not really submitting to their Daddy Dominant. I am sure many are like that because with time comes changes. The baby boomers or even X generation is not the main one anymore with time comes the millennials and then we have the Gen Z that has been hitting the BDSM community. They are all welcome of course but with the newer generations comes newer ways and thoughts on just what being a babygirl submissive is all about.

For me I believe all thoughts can be true. There are so many ways to be a submissive just as there are so many ways to be a Dominant or even a switch. All of them are true forms of the BDSM world.

This does remind me about what is going on in the real life world. How people perceive things and feel they must shout, fight or worse to make their thinking of how things go heard.

At this stage of my life I really do like myself. I feel it every time I wake up in the morning and see it in everything I do in my real world and my Second Life world. I no longer apologize for wanting to be or do the things I do. Life in the second half of our journey kind of makes us see how really short it is. How we really don’t need lots of people in it but just the one or two who get us and loves us just the way we are.

My last group in the MC world showed me how some people treat others that they don’t agree with. The people who feel the way they live their life is completely wrong and they attacked, yelled, mentally abused the ones that they felt did evil in their eyes. I am more mad at myself then them for sticking around as long as I did and watching how very evil people can be to each other. There is so much of it in the real life world I had forgotten those same people come into the Second Life world and do the same thing.

In my last munch “discussion group” at my BDSM community one of the questions thrown out to the group was about why we need Linden Labs protection when someone is attacking us or abusing us in some way or even griefing us. Griefing is a form of abuse usually but not always the younger generation does where they go to sims that do not have things locked down or any type of protection orb and do things to the sim or the people on it that they perceive as funny but in actuality is very abusive.

One person said just hit the X on the top right of the screen and log off Second Life. I guess that would work.

Another said that may be a short fix but many people are hurt inside and most especially mentally. After all none of us are in there with our real life bodies. So if you go afk and find out someone had sex with your avatar while your away and left you a message of what they did or you come back and find it happening isn’t that abuse?

If you come home and you forgot to put a protection orb on and your sim is destroyed and your items scattered or sent back to you isn’t that abuse?

No, the person is right in the virtual world there should be consequences for mental abuse.

That is just one more reason I am very careful in the friends of my Second Life.

I love being a submissive and love the way I am treated by my Dominant Partner as well as my community. I still get a but nervous speaking up for who I am and what I believe but that won’t stop me from being a babygirl. After all even life in Second Life is quite short. Some day I may stop going on the virtual world or they may be gone. You never really know. All I know is the true me still comes inside that world and it may not be as much as I use to but it is a comfort to know the people I do spend time with enjoy me just as I am.




About Danni's SL World

Hi I am someone who I think is really not very complicated. I love to laugh and joke around. I will admit my jokes everyone may not get. Ha Ha I look forward to a new exciting future in my Second Life. With new friends and family to spend as much time as we can together. I may even learn a thing or two?
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